“The Art & Practice of Creative Visualization” by Ophiel (2001 revised edition)

"Do not worry about not learning to use the laws of these powers perfectly. If you can learn the laws, and use them, as well as you can, they will work. Also have no fear about using the laws. These laws, the embodiment of your powers, are as much a part of you as your life is. There is nothing wrong in using them. The only wrong is in not using them and allowing physical life to hurt you. Now go to it. Make your life the life you want. Go—Go—Go.
Ophiel's 10 Laws of Creative Visualization, once understood, are as real and pervasive as the laws of gravity or magnetism. In other words, they work. Use these laws to bring what you want—whether it's a new job, a new home, a new relationship, a warm coat—into your life. We can all manifest our heart's desire. And, should we discover that we really don't need or want what we've manifested, Ophiel teaches techniques to undo what has been done.
First published in 1967 as The Art and Practice of Getting Material Things Through Creative Visualization, this book is practical metaphysics at its best.
Ophiel (Edward Compator Peach, 1904-1988), who lived and worked in San Francisco, was an eclectic teacher and thinker, with an uncanny ability to make esoteric ideas understandable and available to all. Other volumes in his acclaimed Art and Practice series include—Astral Projection, Cabala Magic, Clairvoyance, Occult, and Talismanic Magic."

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