“The Arte of Darkness: Magic & Mystery from the Shadows” by Melusine Draco

"Evil is simply misplaced force. It can be misplaced in time: like the violence that is acceptable in war, is unacceptable in peace. It can be misplaced in space: like a burning coal on a rug rather than the fireplace. Or it can be misplaced in proportion: like an excess of love can make us overly sentimental, or a lack of love can make us cruel and destructive. It is in things such as these that evil lies, not in a personal Devil who acts as an Adversary", so says the Qabalah.
Nevertheless, there is an increasing tendency these days for groups and individuals to portray themselves as being more exciting, adventurous, or more magically competent by covering themselves with the mantle of "Darkness". Let's make no bones about it — there is no such thing as black or white magic — and the realms of Darkness and Shadow are an intrinsic part of everyday magical practice regardless of path, creed or tradition."

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