“Why Didn’t My Spell Work?: How to Troubleshoot Any Magical Spell and Set Your Witchcraft Practice Up For Success” by Julie Wilder

"Why Didn't My Spell Work?: How to Troubleshoot Any Magical Spell and Set Your Witchcraft Practice Up For Success" by Julie Wilder

"Have you ever tried a spell and followed EVERY DIRECTION PERFECTLY only to have that spell fail?

Does it mean you’re not a powerful witch? That you’re losing your touch? Maybe it means that witchcraft is all a big fat lie.

What the non-witches don’t get is that witchcraft is just like any other skill. Does a pro basket ball player make every free throw? No. Does a world-renowned violinist play each note perfectly? Nope. Does an Oscar-award-winning actor give a brilliant performance in every movie? Heck no.

Just because you’re a powerful, magical witch—and you are—doesn’t mean you’re PERFECT. Sometimes your spells will work like a, ahem, charm. Sometimes, they’ll blow up in your face and you’ll feel embarrassed.

Are you nodding your head?

It’s definitely happened to me.

In my experience, I’ve noticed patterns play out in my witchcraft practice over and over again. Regardless of a spell’s outcome, there is a lot of value in looking at what went right and what went wrong.

Why Didn’t My Spell Work? is a guide that covers some common reasons spells can fail, and hacks for improving the results of your spells in the future. It will show you simple, practical ways to look at your witchcraft with fresh eyes, as well as how to deal with the disappointment of a spell that didn’t work. Everything in this little handbook can be practiced immediately without any prior witchcraft experience. You don’t have to convert to a specific religion. You don’t have to buy a bunch of tools. All you need to perform powerful magic is a sense of playfulness and an open mind."