“Ceremonial Witchcraft: Essential Daily Rituals for a Magickal Life” by Black Witch S

"All of the stories about the powers of wizards, Witches and magicians are true! It is possible to create spells to bring yourself money, love, wisdom, contentment and more.
This is a powerful and deceptively simple practice with lots of levels. Many years ago when I was new to magick I was lucky to come upon this gem. I practiced it almost daily for well over a year and it really helped me clear out a lot of baggage painlessly and build up a significant magickal charge.
In Ceremonial Witchcraft, you will learn:
1.The Relaxation Ritual.
2.The Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram.
3.The Banishing Ritual of the Hexagram.
4.The Middle Pillar Ritual.
5.The Circulation of the Body of Light.
6.Completion of your Ritual Diary.
If you do the rituals properly, the magick will work. Know that you CAN do rituals successfully."

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