“The Way of the Death Defier: Apocryphon of Inner Alchemy” by John Kreiter

"All biological life must end…but that is not the end of us! We are small specks of light scattered throughout space and time. We are tiny flames extended, pushed, and moved away from a great brilliance that is our source. We are a probe, a dream, a great desire, that is given a chance to be all that it could possibly be in dimensions far away from that brilliance.
But who are we really?
What is that brilliance? What is God?
What is life and death?
What happens after we die?
What is the nature of heaven and hell?
What is reincarnation? Karma?
Why do we age? Why is life so hard? Are we missing something?
What are ghosts?
Is true immortality possible?
In this last book in a trilogy of course books that began with The Magnum Opus, all of these questions will be answered from the point of view of the inner alchemist.
Here you will find answers to the nature of God, the gods, heaven, hell, reincarnation, karma, the machine of death, Barbelo, the spice, the oversoul collective, and the garden of the gods.
In this book I show you how to cross the sixth and the seventh room of the projectionist and attain true immortality!
Whether you are a practicing inner alchemist and adept, or a curious and holistic person who needs to see the whole picture in order to understand the challenge of the life and death cycle in your own individual ways, here you will find many of the answers that you seek, including how to begin to learn to ‘see’ and perceive these things directly yourself.
Some have asked why each course is presented as a book. Why not make a video course or some other digital presentation that is more popular in this era? And the reason for this is quite simply: time.
I have been around long enough, and my senses have become keen enough to see some of the intricacies of this world. Through such experience and perceptions, I have seen things peak and wane, and I have seen many things lost within the medium of time.
Videos and digital formats require complex systems to work and be maintained, and such complex systems are usually the first to fall, or change when exposed to the brutal torrents and extreme pressures of time.
But a print book (as well as an ebook for your convenience if you like), is something that you can keep in your personal library for a lifetime with only moderate care."

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