“Mudras: Yoga in Your Hands” by Gertrud Hirschi

"Mudras—also playfully called “finger power points”—are yoga positions for your hands and fingers. They can be practiced sitting, lying down, standing, or walking, at any time and place. Schooled in the traditional knowledge of this eastern art of healing, well-known Swiss yoga teacher, Gertrud Hirschi, shows how these easy techniques can recharge personal energy reserves and improve quality of life. These mysterious healing gestures can calm the stress, aggravations, and frustrations of everyday life. Readers will learn how to:
Apply these simple exercises to prevent illness and support the healing of a great variety of physical and emotional problems.
Use mudras to promote spiritual development.
Additionally intensify the effect with breathing exercises, a affirmations, visualizations, herbs, nutrition, music, and colors.
Also included are several full-body mudras and exercises to enhance any meditation and yoga practice."

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