
“Casting Sacred Space: The Core of All Magickal Work” by Ivo Dominguez Jr.

"The use of casting as a means of establishing sacred space is a common practice in Wiccan and Neopagan traditions. In fact it is widely considered the most important step in spiritual and magickal work. And yet few really know how to do it or do it well. In Casting Sacred Space, Neopagan practitioner Ivo Dominguez, Jr., offers a comprehensive introduction to the techniques and rituals of casting, including: How to become grounded and centered before one begins The Proper timing for casting and ritual work How to open up one's psychic senses to work with subtle energies How to set the stage...>>

“A Witch’s Book of Silence” by Karina BlackHeart

"A Witch's Book of Silence will help you deepen your practice and increase the efficacy of your magic. Silence is the space from which creative impulse flows. In silence we touch the power we call God/dess and become attuned to wisdom beyond our own. We learn to commune with the spirits of land, our ancestors and others of the unseen realms. We enter the ineffable mystery sought by ancient and contemporary mystics alike. Through silent communion we attain ecstatic union with the Divine. The book addresses some of the most pressing and controversial concerns of the Craft as both a modern-day movement and private, religious system. A Witch's Book of Silence is a mirror for...>>