“Paranormal Jelly: An Anthology of Whimsical Narratives Regarding the Comical Facets of the Occult” by Zwahk Muchoney

"Dive into a world where the bizarre meets the everyday, set against the backdrop of the burgeoning internet era of 1996. Middle-aged author Albert runs a popular website, sharing tales of eldritch horrors, battling bodybuilders, baby Bigfoots, cigarette-smoking ghosts, Batsquatches, Krakens, Shadow men, and dark cultists. While Albert’s stories captivate his growing audience, he remains a skeptic, convinced that these strange entities and occurrences are pure fiction. Yet the line between Albert’s fictional accounts and reality begins to blur. Cryptids and hauntings become alarmingly frequent, always just out of Albert’s sight but too close to dismiss. As he strives to document these phenomena, Albert finds himself entangled in a web of the supernatural that threatens...>>

“A Glitch in the Matrix: Tales of the Unexplainable Unreal” by Jessica Castro

🕵️🐷🕵️ zero-day🕵️🐷🕵️ "A collection of frightening, weird, and wonderful stories meant to make readers question what they think they know about reality, with commentary by TikTok's favorite "glitch in the matrix" narrator. Some say there is a world beyond this one, and from time to time, reality parts and we see beyond the veil: strange things happen, we question what is real, and our assumptions about the order of this universe are thrown aside. These are "glitch in the matrix" stories. Host and narrator Auntie Matrix has amassed a following of over 500K followers on TikTok, and over 100K on Instagram. Her spine-tingling, mind-bending, and utterly destabilizing accounts of happenings are too spooky to be...>>

“Jim Morrison, Secret Teacher of the Occult: A Journey to the Other Side” by Paul Wyld

🕵️🐷🕵️ zero-day🕵️🐷🕵️ "A journey into the mystical and spiritual side of the famed Doors front man • Reveals Jim Morrison as a shamanic initiate and esoteric teacher who used his role as a rock singer to promote the adventure of the spirit and express the power of inner experience • Examines Morrison’s deep occult and artistic influences, including Kurt Seligmann’s The Mirror of Magic, Colin Wilson’s The Outsider, and the works of Jack Kerouac • Draws on Morrison’s lyrics and poems, his intimate writings, and the recollections of friends like photographer Paul Ferrara and Doors keyboard player Ray Manzarek The groundbreaking 1960s band The Doors, named for Aldous Huxley’s The Doors of Perception, achieved incredible acclaim and influence, ultimately...>>

“Medieval Perceptions of Magic, Science, and the Natural World” edited by Carolina Escobar-Vargas and Anne Lawrence-Mathers

"This volume presents new research in medieval conceptions of magic, science, and the natural world, bringing not only medicine but also meteorology and navigation into the discussion. Ground-breaking theoretical chapters on theology, natural sciences, and the writing of history are presented by established experts in their fields. These are accompanied by case studies of interactions between magic, science, and natural philosophy. Each chapter offers new findings while contributing to a comprehensive survey of the shifting boundaries between natural and supernatural across both space and time. Emerging areas, such as the study of prognostics, are represented by challenging new work. This collection will prove fascinating to everyone engaging with this expanding field."...>>

“The Spirit of Psychotherapy: A Hidden Dimension” by Jeremy Holmes

"In The Spirit of Psychotherapy, Holmes considers whether the principles which underpin religion can be applied to the largely secular world of psychotherapy. Having a belief system is generally associated with good physical and mental health. The prime focus of psychotherapy theory and practice is intrapersonal and interpersonal, but these are nested in an often-unexamined supra-personal context, sociological, ecological and spiritual. Structured around a qualitative study based on in-depth interviews with people from a wide range of faith backgrounds, Holmes presents the role belief and spirituality play in everyday lives. From these interviews, the author identifies core themes such as attachment and hope, frameworks of meaning, and rhythm and ritual. Individual chapters are devoted to...>>