09.07.2020 “Chaos Magick and Talismans” by Anousen Leonte Magick Matters "Short book on talismanic work using the techniques of Chaos Magick"...>> View
09.07.2020 “Gnostic Magick” by Anousen Leonte Magick Matters "An experimental grimoire, utilizing the Spirits (Aeons) of the Valentinian Gnostic pantheon."...>> View
09.07.2020 “The Art of Magickal Fasting” by Anousen Leonte Magick Matters "The Art of Magickal Fasting: Introduction Fasting and Ritual Fasting from Food Celibacy Solitude The Use of Various Fasts in Evocation Final Thoughts"...>> View
09.07.2020 “Sigil Meditation” by Anousen Leonte Magick Matters "A small book on meditating using Sigils in the style of Chaos Magick"...>> View
09.07.2020 “Scrying without Tears: The Theory, Technique and Uses of Scrying” by Anousen Leonte Magick Matters "A short guide to Scrying (with embedded images)."...>> View