“Arcana” by Scott Michael Stenwick

"Balzador was once a mighty Demon, but after opposing his master Coronzon he found himself exiled on Earth inhabiting a human body. Only one way remains for him to return home - binding together the world’s magick and joining in a war against the Archons, sworn enemies of the Demons, that would upset the cosmic balance of power. Standing in his way is the Guild, a magical order founded during the European Renaissance that holds the secrets of practical magick he desperately needs to complete his task. After a terrible magical accident the Guild is divided and distracted. Guild initiate Michael Niemand and A∴A∴ initiate Samantha Davis must unite the members of their respective magical...>>

“The Lost Spells of Moses” by Brother Cernunnos

" A Hoodoo spell book channeled from the New Orleans Voodoo Queen Marie Laveau. There are spells for love, money, protection, ancestor work, psychic power, and popularity, as well as candle spells, and dozens of other intents in numerous spells and prayers for everything one could hope for from a spell book with no unnecessary filler too often found in books of magic these days. There are also instructions for the evocation of two Hoodoo servitor spirits and unpublished spells that use the names of the Sixth and Seventh Books of Moses, and more. "...>>

“The Gateway to the Heptarchic Kings: An Introduction to the Evocation of the Enochian Kings” by Brother Cernunnos

"A booklet on powerful angel magic. This booklet introduces to the evocation of the Enochian Kings, Bnapsen, Bynepor, Babalel, Bobogel, Baligon, Bnaspol, and Blumaza. They are high-ranking planetary archangels and excellent spirits to become acquainted with. It has never-before-published seals of the Enochian Kings, an unpublished invocation that works to create a channel to these forces, complete and beginner-friendly instructions on how to evoke the Enochian Kings, hermetic correspondences for designing one's own evocation rituals, instructions on how to meditate on the energy of the Enochian Kings, and more. The magician who is interested in real spiritual evolution will greatly benefit from working with these forces."...>>