“Tubelo’s Green Fire” by Shani Oates

"This book explores historical and contemporary ideas of witchcraft through the perspective of the Clan of Tubal Cain - a closed Initiatory group aligned to the Shadow Mysteries within the Luciferian stream. As students of arte we mediate the ancestral stream, teaching through practice with the sacred tenets of Truth, Love and Beauty. The Word is thus manifest in deed and vision. “A driving thirst for knowledge is the forerunner of wisdom. Knowledge is a state that all organic life posesses, wisdom is the reward of the spirit, gained in the search for knowledge. Truth is variable – what is true now, will not be true tomorrow, since the temporal truths are dependent upon ethics and...>>

“Zos-Kia: An Introductory Essay on the Art and Sorcery of Austin Osman Spare” by Gavin W. Semple

"Austin Osman Spare (1886-1956) was one of the most enigmatic artists of this century. His powerful and idiosyncratic art masks a philosophy of arcane beauty, often overlooked by the undiscerning eye. In this essay his personal systems are explored, clarified and augmented with judicious application of the artist’s own words. Here are excerpts from Spare’s last unpublished grimoire The Logomachy of Zos alongside the early text of The Book of Pleasure, clearly demonstrating the strength and consistency of his vision through life. With the hindsight of many years biographical research and experimentation exploring Spare’s system with his own, the author Gavin Semple here gives emphasis to the techniques of sorcery that imbued Spare’a art...>>

“Mastering The Great Table” by Scott Michael Stenwick (Volume II of the Mastering Enochian Magick series)

"Following the Enochian material that would become the Heptarchia Mystica, John Dee and Edward Kelley received a grid of letters called the Great Table that encodes a complex hierarchy of angels and demons, and a series of conjurations in the Angelic language called the Angelic Keys. These conjurations and the structure of the Great Table itself have inspired individual magicians and entire magical orders for centuries. Author Scott Michael Stenwick now does for the Great Table what he did for the Heptarchia Mystica in the first volume of this series, presenting the material in a manner that is true to Dee and Kelley’s original schema along with a ritual template that includes both modern...>>

“Mastering the Mystical Heptarchy” by Scott Michael Stenwick (Volume I of the Mastering Enochian Magick series)

"Dr. John Dee, England’s most famous Renaissance magus, spent seven years working with scryer Edward Kelley in the late sixteenth century. Together the two men established contact with various angels who endeavored to teach them a new spiritual system described as the true art of magick. Dee’s diaries chronicling these communications formed the basis of the Enochian magical system, which has profoundly influenced the development of ritual magick for centuries and is reputed by many to be especially effective. The Heptarchia Mystica is the only part of the Enochian system that Dee ever managed to assemble into a usable grimoire, but paradoxically it also seems to be the most overlooked portion of his work. Author...>>