“Modern Witchcraft: Goddess Empowerment for the Kick-Ass Woman” by Deborah Blake

"In a time when most formal religions are on the wane, Wicca is said to be the fastest growing religion in North America. What is it that draws people to Witchcraft, and how does a spiritual path with its roots in ancient beliefs and traditions transform itself into a practice that resonates so deeply with today’s modern woman? There are a number of explanations for the phenomenon, such as Witchcraft's connection to the natural world, or acceptance of members regardless of lifestyle choices. For women, however, the greatest appeal may be the worship of a goddess (or goddesses). No stern patriarchal God here. Instead, Wicca and most other forms of modern Witchcraft embrace deity in...>>

“The Secret People: Parish-Pump Witchcraft, Wise-Women and Cunning Ways” by Melusine Draco

"Much of what passes for ‘witchcraft’ today was everyday knowledge to our forebears, especially those who lived and worked in the countryside. Here were to be found practical household hints, remedies and family recipes that had been handed down from generation to generation, some still existing in the form of treasured journals and notebooks. There is, however, nothing fanciful or far-fetched about this information - in fact, The Secret People is a remembrance of times past and a preservation of ‘parish-pump witchcraft, wise-women and cunning ways’ adapted for use in the 21st century. It may also go a long way in helping those present-generation pagans in search of an identity and answer the questions:...>>

“The Oxford Essential Guide to Writing” by Thomas S. Kane

"A Concise Course in the Art of Writing Whether you’re composing a letter, writing a school thesis, or starting a novel, this resource offers expert advice on how to think more creatively, how to conjure up ideas from scratch, and how to express those ideas clearly and elegantly. No matter where you find yourself in the writing process—from the daunting look of a blank page, to the rough draft that needs shaping, to the small but important questions of punctuation—you’ll find what you need in this one handy, all-inclusive volume. Some features include: • How to use journals to store ideas and explore potential topics • Examples of style and technique from such masters of...>>

“Valentinian Christianity: Texts and Translations” by Geoffrey S. Smith

"Valentinus, an Egyptian Christian who traveled to Rome to teach his unique brand of theology, and his followers, the Valentinians, formed one of the largest and most influential sects of Christianity in the second and third centuries. But by the fourth century, their writings had all but disappeared suddenly and mysteriously from the historical record, as the newly consolidated imperial Christian Church condemned as heretical all forms of what has come to be known as Gnosticism. Only in 1945 were their extensive original works finally rediscovered, and the resurrected “Gnostic Gospels” soon rooted themselves in both the scholarly and popular imagination. Valentinian Christianity: Texts and Translations brings together for the first time all the extant...>>

“Modern Occultism in Late Imperial Russia” by Julia Mannherz

"Modern Occultism in Late Imperial Russia traces the history of occult thought and practice from its origins in private salons to its popularity in turn-of-the-century mass culture. In lucid prose, Julia Mannherz examines the ferocious public debates of the 1870s on higher dimensional mathematics and the workings of sĂŠance phenomena, discusses the world of cheap instruction manuals and popular occult journals, and looks at haunted houses, which brought together the rural settings and the urban masses that obsessed over them. In addition, Mannherz looks at reactions of Russian Orthodox theologians to the occult. In spite of its prominence, the role of the occult in turn-of-the-century Russian culture has been largely ignored, if not actively written...>>