“Remembering Past Lives” by Carl Llewellyn Weschcke and Joe H. Slate

"Do you believe in reincarnation? For a growing number of people, reincarnation is a sensible philosophical understanding that is seen in many metaphysical, spiritual, and psychological practices—and even experienced in actual personal past-life memories. The proof is in the experience. With the straightforward guidance in this small e-book, you can recall your own past lives. In doing so, you can resolve residual conflicts in your current life, improve your health, regain lost knowledge and skills, and develop a more comprehensive understanding of what your life is really all about. You have lived before, you will live again, and you will continue to grow into the greater being that you are meant to be. Remembering Past Lives will...>>

“Psychic Empowerment for Everyone: You Have the Power, Learn How to Use It” by Carl Llewellyn Weschcke and Joe H. Slate

"Surging within us all is a limitless wellspring of natural psychic power. You can tap into this incredibly rich resource and begin living a more meaningful and fulfilling life―starting right now. Psychic Empowerment for Everyone links scientific study of psychic phenomena with practical applications, helping you to develop your innate psychic ability and turn it into reliable skills. Unleash your psychic potential as you engage in consciousness-expanding meditation, progress through a seven-day empowerment plan, and employ laboratory-proven techniques in dream work, self-hypnosis, aura viewing, and other exciting areas so that you can: Communicate with your spirit guides Explore the nature of consciousness Navigate psychic planes ...>>

“Communicating with Spirit: Here’s How You Can Communicate (and Benefit from) Spirits of the Departed, Spirit Guides & Helpers, Gods & Goddesses, Your Higher Self and Your Holy Guardian Angel” by Carl Llewellyn Weschcke and Joe H. Slate

"Spiritual communication is no longer a passive state of waiting to hear the spirits speak through a medium or channel. Discover how to manifest an active state of consciousness and create direct communication with specific spirits and spiritual entities. This is a do-it-yourself book, personal and individual, so you no longer have to depend on groups and institutions for power or authority. With clear and precise instructions, Communicating with Spirit shows you how to return Spirit to your inner self, open the doors to communication at the spiritual levels, and extend perception from material limitations toward the inclusiveness of higher-dimensional awareness. Explore yourself and the world of spirit—the answers come from within."...>>

“Clairvoyance for Psychic Empowerment: The Art & Science of “Clear Seeing” Past the Illusions of Space & Time & Self-Deception” by Carl Llewellyn Weschcke and Joe H. Slate

"Clairvoyance: The ability to gain knowledge about a person, place, thing, event, or concept using means other than the common five senses; Extrasensory Perception. Clairvoyance for Psychic Empowerment is a complete training course that will take you on a journey of self-discovery and self-empowerment, a journey specifically designed for all people in this New Age of the 21st century. The theory and techniques revealed here will help you improve relationships, increase creativity, promote career success, accelerate academic achievement, and convert challenges into solutions. This book, the most comprehensive single collection of information and techniques ever made available, reveals ancient Tantric and Western techniques that will allow you to manifest love, happiness, health, knowledge, wealth, spirituality, and...>>

“Astral Projection for Psychic Empowerment: Practical Applications of the Out-of-Body Experience” by Carl Llewellyn Weschcke and Joe H. Slate

"Science is confirming what ancient wisdom has always asserted—that reality is far more complex than we have imagined, and that our individual potential is far greater than we have believed. In this time of expanding consciousness, the new frontier—the gateway to spiritual growth and self-empowerment—is through the astral realm. Astral Projection for Psychic Empowerment introduces you to the real-world benefits that come from exploring the astral plane. Learn controlled, self-induced astral projection and reach beyond physical limitations to new sources of knowledge. Live and love more fully than you have ever thought possible by tapping your immense unconscious powers and integrating them into your conscious experience. Delve into the pages of this fascinating book and...>>