“The Book of Beasties: Your A-to-Z Guide to the Illuminating Wisdom of Spirit Animals” by Sarah Bamford Seidelmann

"Beastie [bee-stee]: The overarching spirit of any species of insect, reptile, bird, mammal, or mythical creature that exists or has ever existed; also known as an animal totem or spirit animal. “From an ancient perspective, everything—including all natural things, like rocks, flowers, trees, insects, birds, and mammals—is alive and infused with conscious energy or spirit,” writes Sarah Seidelmann. If you’re one of the many people looking to reconnect with the creativity, wisdom, and vital energy of the natural world, here is a fantastic guide for tapping into the power of animal totems, or “beasties.” The Book of Beasties invites you to explore why certain animals show up in your life—and what teachings they may...>>

“Secrets of Meditation: A Practical Guide to Inner Peace and Personal Transformation” by Davidji

"For thousands of years, people have tried to tap into the stillness and silence that rests within to discover their deeper selves. In Secrets of Meditation, davidji takes you there, demystifying the practice along the way and guiding you on an epic journey into your own consciousness. Whether you are new to meditation, a “crisis meditator”, or someone who has been meditating for years, this book will take your practice, and your life, to the next level. In this insightful book, davidji shares his own journey along his path to awakening and examines the positive impact that meditation can have on your physical health, relationships, emotional well-being, and spiritual life. As the secrets to an...>>

“The Sealed Magical Book Of Moses” by William Alexander Oribello

"This is valuable information to have on hand and give you an insight as to the depth of what the organized religions won't tell you about. The power that Moses had, the ability to command things to happen like he did wasn't just a one way street, it was a two-way communication and his Egyptian knowledge of magick was transferred to the monotheistic belief system he helped to set up. Here are secrets of Moses' powers that can now be revealed for the serious student of the New Age and Occult. Included are the 21 MAGICAL TALISMANS OF MOSES seldom seen, which can be used to: * Bring you reader the highest possible good fortunes. * Attain...>>

“A Cart Full of Magic: Your Secret Supermarket Shopping List” by Ileana Abrev

"Transform Your Local Supermarket into a Magical Place You Never Knew Existed Improve your emotional well-being, finances, love, and spiritual health by imbuing your weekly grocery expedition with a magical perspective. Ileana Abrev takes you down every aisle―inner and outer―of a typical supermarket, providing detailed lists and explanations of how to use common items to add a spark of magic to your life. You'll find effective spells and charms that only need simple and easy-to-find ingredients. Discover how to use a tomato for prosperity, a safety pin for protection, a carnation for healing, and much more. You'll even explore outside influences and techniques, such as spiritually cleansing your home, color magic, moon phases, and zodiac signs....>>