“Necronomian Workbook: Guide to the Necronomicon” by Brother Moloch (IGOS)

"For several years, I have explored the Necronomicon. It has fascinated me since I first heard about it. I have attempted to collect as much literature about the book as I could afford to. Amazingly, there was nothing out there to tell you how to work the Necronomicon. Oh sure, there was that little paperback, now out of print, that claimed to be a spellbook but was in fact a mish-mash of Neo-Pagan spells that had a Necronomiconian overtone. But, there was nothing that actually said if you want to get this, you must do this. No cookbooks. During a private New Moon ritual I was conducting I had a flash of premonition to publish...>>

“Psychic Warfare” by Mark Desade (IGOS)

"This classic IGOS training manual is back in print. It was impossible to find until, it was republished by IGOS again in 2013. This text along with Book I, Psychic Sexual Command, make up the Psychic Command Series of classic reprints. It is a dangerously powerful series of book. Detailing a complete system of Psychic Commanding. Do not let the titles fool you. This is a system of psychically commanding, that can be used for anything of your choosing. That means, it can be used for any situation in your life. Making it a core system for any serious occultists. The best thing about this system is, that it does not require any special tools....>>

“Psychic Sexual Command” by Mark Desade (IGOS)

"Do not let the book title put you off. This is a proven system of psychic commanding and control. It can be used in any situation you desire. It is extremely powerful and you need to exercise judgment before use. For years I have received positive feedback on the techniques in this book. Incredible real life stories of those putting the book into action, to command others to do their will. In a corrupt world where those with money rule everything, this is the equalizer for the common man! YOU HAVE THE POWER TO GET WHAT YOU WANT, USING THIS UNIQUE SYSTEM."...>>

“The Mysteries and Secrets of Magic” by C. J. S. Thompson (IGOS edition)

"Thompson's book is a somewhat spotty overview of people's perception and participation in 'magic' through the ages, up to 'modern times' (1928). Thompson begins with chapters on the very genesis of magic in human use and thought, including 'supernatural beings', and how these developed into magically based religions in Babylon, Assyria, Egypt and so on. It moves on to the early Kabbala, lines of thought in 'barbarian' areas as regards magic (more like folklore), and so on. The early chapter titles would indicate a great depth of material covered, but this is not in fact the case; much of the material is repetitive, obvious, and none of it at all is documented. It is simply...>>

“Spells of Mexican Shamans: A Bruja’s Book of Spells” by Bruja Chango (IGOS)

"Brujeria is a powerful system of magick which combines the powers of many facets of the occult. The reason Brujas (Mexican-American witches) are so powerful is because they will stop at nothing to get the results that they need in order for their work to be successful. Many of the modern witches are self-taught while only a select few have been able to inherit their knowledge. It is a known fact among practitioners of Brujeria that in order for a Bruja to leave this plane of existence, she must pass all the knowledge that she has obtained about magick and give it to someone whom she feels is worthy enough to recieve it. All Brujas...>>