“Stealing Fire from Heaven: The Rise of Modern Western Magic” by Nevill Drury

"The Western magical traditions are currently undergoing an international resurgence. In Stealing Fire from Heaven, Nevill Drury offers an overview of the modern occult revival and seeks to explain this growing interest in ancient magical belief systems. Gnosticism and the Hermetica, the medieval Kabbalah, Tarot and Alchemy, and more recently, Rosicrucianism and Freemasonry, collectively laid the basis for the modern magical revival, which first began to gather momentum in Europe at the end of the nineteenth century. Western magic has since become increasingly eclectic, drawing on such diverse sources as classical Greco-Roman mythology, Celtic cosmology, Kundalini yoga and Tantra, shamanism, chaos theory, and the various spiritual traditions associated in many different cultures with the Universal...>>

“The Great Cosmic Mother: Rediscovering the Religion of the Earth” by Monica Sjoo and Barbara Mor (kindle version)

"This classic exploration of the Goddess through time and throughout the world draws on religious, cultural, and archaeological sources to recreate the Goddess religion that is humanity’s heritage. Now, with a new introduction and full-color artwork, this passionate and important text shows even more clearly that the religion of the Goddess--which is tied to the cycles of women’s bodies, the seasons, the phases of the moon, and the fertility of the earth--was the original religion of all humanity."...>>

“Dragons: Your Celestial Guardians” by Diana Cooper

"Dragons are celestial beings from the angel realms who have been sent here by Source to assist and protect us. They have been serving our planet since its inception and work with the angels in service for the highest good. In this book, world-renowned ascension and Atlantis expert Diana Cooper shares incredibly detailed and practical knowledge about the dragons and how they can support us. You'll discover: • the history of dragons on Earth, how they came to be here and their mission for humanity • the air, earth, fire and water dragons, and how they act as personal companions • the higher frequency and galactic dragons and the...>>

“Enlightened Journey: Buddhist Practice as Daily Life” by Tulku Thondup

"This collection of fifteen articles and talks by Tulku Thondup constitutes a manual on how to transmute the situations encountered in daily life, whether external or internal, into spiritual disciplines and experiences. Among the topics covered are: The fundamental principles of Buddhism. The practice of meditation as a means of arousing compassion. How suffering can become a more powerful tool than happiness in achieving enlightenment. The symbolic significance of holy places, temples, statues, books, and other spiritual artifacts."...>>

“Monsters, Demons and Psychopaths: Psychiatry and Horror Film” by Fernando Espi Forcen

"Humans have experienced the emotion of horror since the beginning of our existence. Society's perceptions of mental illness have inspired film portrayals of monsters, ghosts, demonic possession, zombies, and psychopaths. This book introduces a way to engage learners in understanding psychiatry through horror films. It guides the reader on a journey of interpreting horror films from psychological, medical, artistic, and philosophical points of view."...>>