“A Companion to Greek and Roman Sexualities” by Thomas K. Hubbard

"A Companion to Greek and Roman Sexualities presents a comprehensive collection of original essays relating to aspects of gender and sexuality in the classical world. Views the various practices and discursive contexts of sexuality systematically and holistically Discusses Greece and Rome in each chapter, with sensitivity to the continuities and differences between the two classical civilizations Addresses the classical influence on the understanding of later ages and religion Covers artistic and literary genres, various social environments of sexual conduct, and the technical disciplines of medicine, magic, physiognomy, and dream interpretation Features contributions from more than 40 top international scholars "...>>

“The Magic of Pathworking: A Meditation Guide for Your Inner Vision” by Simon Court

"Magical pathworking is the powerful process of using specific guided meditations to explore the unlimited spiritual energies that form the contours of our lives. This book guides you through a journey of unique pathworkings based on archetypal themes and helps you develop your inner work space with initial pathworkings that explore the influence of earth, air, fire, water and quintessence. Immerse yourself in thirteen additional pathworkings that bring your inner landscape into the light so that you can move forward with a deeper connection to the magic within you. The Magic of Pathworking also shows how to interpret and incorporate the events, symbols, and magical meanings of your experiences, creating a strong foundation for...>>

“I Ching, The Oracle of the Cosmic Way” by Carol K. Anthony and Hanna Moog

"This new I Ching differs from other versions of the ancient text in that it reveals the underlying Cosmic Principles of Harmony that are contained in each hexagram. Thus, the reader is able to clearly understand the causes of the good fortune or misfortune mentioned in the oracle text; he is then able, through the oracle’s counsel, to quickly correct his part in any adverse situation. As he brings his thoughts and attitudes into harmony with the Cosmos, he experiences that the Cosmos is entirely beneficent, and ready to aid him in all that he does. This new version of the I Ching was written under the guidance of the Sage, the voice that speaks...>>

“Western Mandalas of Transformation: Magical Squares – Tattwas – Qabalistic Talismans” by Soror A. L.

"This work reveals the uses of astrological and Qabalistic talismans for spiritual use. It shows how the reader can learn the mysteries hidden in the ancient system of magical squares. Step-by-step instructions teach both the beginner and the experienced Qabalist how to: create mandala-talismans; how to acquire a magical Guardian Angel; correct guidelines for obtaining spiritual guides; the traditional Golden Dawn magic seals; and the Tattwa system. The guide contains sections on the meaning of numbers, planetary attributes and many other symbols. Explanations are also given about the secret techniques for awakening these images in the subconscious to energize the chakra system and personal aura. There is also a section on Gematria for the...>>

“The Zen of Magic Squares, Circles, and Stars: An Exhibition of Surprising Structures across Dimensions” by Clifford A. Pickover

"Humanity's love affair with mathematics and mysticism reached a critical juncture, legend has it, on the back of a turtle in ancient China. As Clifford Pickover briefly recounts in this enthralling book, the most comprehensive in decades on magic squares, Emperor Yu was supposedly strolling along the Yellow River one day around 2200 B.C. when he spotted the creature: its shell had a series of dots within squares. To Yu's amazement, each row of squares contained fifteen dots, as did the columns and diagonals. When he added any two cells opposite along a line through the center square, like 2 and 8, he always arrived at 10. The turtle, unwitting inspirer of the ''Yu''...>>