“Traditional Witchcraft for the Woods and Forests: A Witch’s Guide to the Woodland with Guided Meditations and Pathworking” by Melusine Draco

"No matter where you live, there will always be a wide variety of trees in the immediate vicinity, whether open countryside, urban parkland or municipal gardens. Get to know them, learn to recognise the different species, and draw on the magical power of the Tree. Be humbled in the presence of the trees, by their great size and beauty … and learn to work with them as a witch."...>>

“Traditional Witchcraft for the Seashore” by Melusine Draco

"Although we are an island race, few are fortunate to live near enough to the sea to use the shoreline as a regular magical working area. And yet for the natural witch, born and bred by the sea, the beach and rocky shore are equally as magical as the inland woods and hills of more traditional approaches to witchcraft. The author takes us on a magical journey along the seashore and reveals how to work with the natural oceanic tides and energies. Learn how to harness the powers of the deep, and collect flotsam and jetsam for use as ritual tools. A book like no other."...>>

“Sacred Geometry: Language of the Angels” by Richard Heath

"The angelic mind is founded on a deep understanding of number and the patterns they produce. These patterns provided a constructive framework for all manifested life on Earth. The beauty and elegance we see in sacred geometry and in structures built according to those proportions are the language of the angels still speaking to us. Examining the angelic science of number first manifested on Earth in the Stone Age, Richard Heath reveals how the resulting development of human consciousness was no accident: just as the angels helped create the Earth’s environment, humans were then evolved to make the planet self-aware. To develop human minds, the angels transmitted their own wisdom to humanity through a numerical...>>

“Esoteric Mysteries of the Underworld: The Power and Meaning of Subterranean Sacred Spaces” by Jean-Pierre Bayard

"A comprehensive guide to the ancient beliefs and spiritual power of subterranean spaces: • Examines in depth the myths, symbology, deities, and beliefs connected to the underworld from many different cultures and mystery traditions • Investigates the role of the underworld in initiatory rites and mystical practices, such as the Orphic Mysteries, the chambers of reflections in Freemasonry, the cult of the Black Madonna, and the cult of Isis • Discusses the telluric currents that run through ley lines, the significance of underground waterways, Hollow Earth theory, and the denizens of the subterranean realms, such as dragons, gnomes, and dwarfs Ancient cultures around the world understood the spiritual powers of the underworld. For millennia, natural caves and caverns...>>