“Llewellyn’s Complete Formulary of Magical Oils: Over 1200 Recipes, Potions & Tinctures for Everyday Use” by Celeste Rayne Heldstab

"Step into the fantastically fragrant world of magical oils and discover a new, invigorating way to delight your senses, uplift your spirits, improve your health, and enjoy total relaxation. Whether your intention is magical or medicinal, specially blended essential oils can enrich your life with their mystical, energizing, and transformative power. Within this one-of-a-kind portable apothecary, learn to select and mix 67 essential oils for a myriad of magical, medicinal, and spiritual applications. Spanning every purpose from inner calm and romance to healing and energy work to prayer and spellcraft, all 1,200 recipes are arranged alphabetically to make it easy to find precisely what you need. Step by step, Celeste Rayne Heldstab also shows how to...>>

“Essential Oils in Spiritual Practice: Working with the Chakras, Divine Archetypes, and the Five Great Elements” by Candice Covington

"The tattvas, the Five Great Elements--earth, water, fire, air/wind, and ether/space--create and sustain not only the universe but also all of its inhabitants. Each of us has a unique combination of these elemental energies behind our personal characteristics--everything from the color of our eyes to our behaviors and emotional temperament. What tattvas are dominant in your make-up can also be influenced by your surroundings and by karma. Essential oils, in addition to working biologically and chemically, also work at the energetic level, making them ideal for working with the tattvas. Teaching you how to use essential oils to affect the very fabric of your being, Candice Covington details how the Tattvas Method of essential oils...>>

“Llewellyn’s Complete Book of Essential Oils: How to Blend, Diffuse, Create Remedies, and Use in Everyday Life” by Sandra Kynes

"Recognized throughout history for their spiritual power, healing effects, and pleasing aromas, essential oils are must-have tools on the journey to wellness in mind, body, and spirit. Filled with tips, techniques, and hundreds of recipes, Llewellyn's Complete Book of Essential Oils shares the most important and up-to-date information about essential oils, including extraction methods, blending, perfume notes, medicinal remedies, personal care products, aromatherapy, spiritual and magical uses, chakras, feng shui, and much, much more."...>>

“Emotional Healing with Essential Oils” by Daniel Macdonald (2nd edition)

"Essential oils are widely used for their physical health benefits, but few have understood the scope of their healing capabilities. In this work Daniel Macdonald introduces essential oils as powerful emotional healers. This groundbreaking manual bridges the gap between the physical and emotional aspects of essential oils and creates a user-friendly guide for taking charge of your emotional health. Each oil is written about with profound insight and understanding of its innate properties and gifts, and the result is as poetic as it is practical. This easy to follow reference manual will help you come to know the oils in a new way and more fully appreciate their distinct healing qualities. For long-time oil...>>

“The Rise and Fall of Ancient Egypt: The History of a Civilisation from 3000 BC to Cleopatra” by Toby Wilkinson

"In this landmark volume, one of the world’s most renowned Egyptologists tells the epic story of this great civilization, from its birth as the first nation-state to its absorption into the Roman Empire. Drawing upon forty years of archaeological research, award-winning scholar Toby Wilkinson takes us inside a tribal society with a pre-monetary economy and decadent, divine kings who ruled with all-too-recognizable human emotions. Here are the legendary leaders: Akhenaten, the “heretic king,” who with his wife Nefertiti brought about a revolution with a bold new religion; Tutankhamun, whose dazzling tomb would remain hidden for three millennia; and eleven pharaohs called Ramesses, the last of whom presided over the militarism, lawlessness, and corruption that...>>