“African Goddess Initiation: Sacred Rituals for Self-Love, Prosperity, and Joy” by Abiola Abrams

🕵️🐷🕵️ zero-day🕵️🐷🕵️ "A sacred feminine initiation of self-love and soul care rituals, tools, and exercises. Spiritual teacher, intuitive coach, and award-winning author, Abiola Abrams invites you to activate African goddess magic to transmute your fears and limiting beliefs, so that you can create more happiness, abundance, and self-acceptance. Africa is a continent of 54+ countries, and her children are global. There is no one African spiritual tradition. Our ancestors who were trafficked in "The New World" hid the secrets of our orishas, abosom, lwas, álúsí, and god/desses behind saints, angels, and legendary characters. From South Africa to Egypt, Brazil to Haiti, Guyana to Louisiana, goddess wisdom still empowers us. Writes Abiola, "Spirit told me, "We choose who...>>

“Tarot Cards” by Isabella Alston and Kathryn Dixon

"The earliest known decks of tarot cards created in Italy in the late 15th century were used as a game. The tarot’s association with fortune telling and gypsies did not come about until the late 1700s. The first decks were hand painted for wealthy families who had the money to commission the decks as well as the time to play with them. After the advent of lithography, the easy replication through printing made tarot decks much more accessible to the everyday man and woman. In today’s world, the tarot has numerous uses, most of which have the purpose of encouraging self-knowledge and reflection. The beauty and lyricism of hundreds, and even thousands, of tarot...>>

“Human Social Transcendence: A Blueprint for the Activation of Higher Order Humanity and the establishment of Utopian Societies” by R. Kirk Packwood

"This work offers nothing short of a detailed plan describing how individuals can realize the “Activated Transcendent State” and in so doing develop increased perception of previously unperceived societal and social interpersonal realities somewhat akin to what the Buddhists might call enlightenment. With the development of the Eyes comes the ability to See that which will forever remain unperceivable to the Mass Human - the hidden but very real Dystopian Reality in which all humans currently exist. With perception of the veiled Dystopian Reality comes recognition of the existence of the Predatory Human Collective, the concealed and tyrannical collective rulers of the Earth, and the billions of Mass Humans who serve as unknowing brainwashed worker...>>

“Memetic Magic: Manipulation of the Root Social Matrix and the Fabric of Reality” by R. Kirk Packwood (kindle ebook version)

"This phenomenal work possesses the very real possibility of being hailed as one of the most profound underground books on the magical arts ever written. Never before has the occult nature of society, the Root Social Matrix, been discussed. In addition, the paradigm-shattering claim is made that this book contains the foundational framework underlying a thorough comprehension of the means by which the very fabric of reality can be manipulated through simple artistic techniques based on memetic symbology. The ancient wisdom of the pagan sorcerers is combined with modern scientific social theory by a cultural anthropologist, resulting in a new age of magic where reality itself becomes mutable."...>>