Magick Matters

“The Journey After Life: What Happens When We Die” by Cyndi Dale

"We all want to know what happens when we die. According to Cyndi Dale, we don't have to wait to find out. With The Journey After Life, this internationally renowned author presents a compelling investigation of the soul's journey—an evolutionary cycle of birth, death, and rebirth that we travel as we ascend through the spiritual "Planes of Light." Drawing on her broad understanding of thanatology (the study of death from medical, psychological, and spiritual perspectives) as well as her own extraordinary experiences as an intuitive healer and psychic, Dale has created a comprehensive primer on how we can ready ourselves for "the adventure we call death"....>>

“The Subtle Body Practice Manual: A Comprehensive Guide to Energy Healing” by Cyndi Dale

"Cyndi Dale's The Subtle Body has become the go-to reference guide for anyone who wants to learn about the many varieties of energy healing. With The Subtle Body Practice Manual, she offers an equally valuable resource: a practical instruction manual for putting energy healing into action. Filled with lucid information, step-by-step guidance, diagrams, and key insights, here is an expansive how-to manual that covers practices from a vast range of holistic healing and energy medicine traditions, including: The six core energy techniques that every healer should know Energetic diagnosis practices to determine which kind of modality will be most effective for specific health issues Setting...>>

“Energetic Boundaries: How to Stay Protected and Connected in Work, Love, and Life” by Cyndi Dale

"Just as our physical body is protected by our skin, our psyche and spirit have “energetic boundaries” that keep out harmful influences. These boundaries, invisible to the naked eye, are more than just defenses—according to Cyndi Dale, these “spiritual borders” are our soul’s way of communicating to the universe what we do and don’t want to experience in life. With Energetic Boundaries, this renowned intuitive and energy-medicine expert presents a definitive guide for maintaining this essential aspect of our health and personal integrity, including: Our four energetic boundaries—techniques to enhance the health of your physical, emotional, relational, and spiritual borders Self-diagnosis instructions for determining where your boundaries are...>>

“Gary Gygax’s Extraordinary Book of Names” by Malcolm Bowers

"The ultimate book of names! With over 100,000 names, name generators, and more, this sourcebook is a must-have for any game designer or writer. A veritable host of nationalities and cultures are covered from Indian, Korean, and Mongol to Aztec and Mayan. From Medieval English to Spanish, from the fantastic to the mundane, from Italian, Jewish, Polynesian, and more, this extraordinary collection covers it all. Furthermore, a whole chapter is dedicated to place names and another to epithets. For the d20 enthusiast, a new core class, the Onomancer, comes to life with new rules on the magic of names and the naming conventions used by your world's powerful magi."...>>

“The Little Work: Magic to Transform Your Everyday Life” by Durgadas Allon Duriel

"Unite Your Everyday & Magical Lives with the Power of Inner Alchemy Make your day-to-day life as fulfilling and rewarding as your magical practice by turning everything you do into an extension of that practice. Nothing is truly mundane in this world—but if you can't pay bills on time or weather difficult relationships, how can you achieve spiritual transformation? Packed with practical tools that help improve your willpower and focused intention, The Little Work teaches you how to build and sustain the magical life you desire. Durgadas Allon Duriel guides you through a journey of inner alchemy to develop your mind, body, emotional resilience, and personal power. Explore meditations, affirmations, and will-development exercises. Discover how to...>>