Magick Matters

“The Essentials of Magick: A Complete Guide to Common Elements of All Magical Systems” by Nathaniel

"A universal guide to the essential basics of magick. It teaches the general theory and practices common to all magical paths of the World. Besides theory, learn practical skills of cleansing, grounding, magical self-defense, intuition development and more. Learn about spirits, clairvoyance, energy manipulation, energy shields, deities, spells, incenses and many other things that will guide you on the path of magick!"...>>

“The Art of Seeing – Your Psychic Intuition, Third Eye, and Clairvoyance. A Practical Manual for Learning and Improving Your Clairvoyant Abilities” by Nathaniel

"Clairvoyance manual, this book will teach you how to develop and use the psychic ability of clairvoyance. Learn aura view, chakra reading and psychic reading. Learn how to receive messages through clairvoyance and how to perceive spirits, ghosts, Angels and entities."...>>

“Psychic Development Simplified” by Nathaniel

"Psychic Development Simplified is a complete guidebook to psychic development. With it, you can learn psychic abilities for real. Start with meditation, affirmations and emotional healing; learn about Chi and psychic energies; practice psychic self-defense, and learn energy manipulation; master psychic readings, psychometry, psychic healing, telekinesis, remote viewing and much more! Book’s author, Nathaniel, a professional psychic, have put together knowledge from different parts of the world, and simplified it, so anyone can unleash his or hers psychic potential!"...>>