Magick Matters

“Overcoming the Archon Through Alchemy” by John Kreiter

"Almost every person on Earth is born and dies as a slave. People are born into this world and soon after become indoctrinated into a system designed to take as much energy as possible from them, until the day comes when they finally lose all their energy and die; an awareness bubble is created by the churning sea, moves a little within this sea, and is destroyed by that same pressure that will create another awareness bubble somewhere else. Throughout this small journey from one point in the Dark Sea to another, almost every single thought that this self-aware energetic bubble will have, won’t be its own. It will be an implant, an imposed thought...>>

“Out Of Body Experiences, Quickly And Naturally” by John Kreiter

"Astral Projection is one of those things that most people would love to do. Who would not like to be able to detach from the physical body and travel to distant places, discover amazing worlds and learn the answers to many of the questions that they might have. Indeed the Out of Body Experience allows you to know that there is more to you than the physical body. It can expand your creativity and conscious awareness, and it can even lessen the fear of death. Unfortunately many become highly disappointed when they try technique after technique without any positive results. It is not surprising then that most think that Out of Body Experiences are very difficult...>>

“Manifest Wealth and Prosperity with Thought Forms and Servitors” by John Kreiter

"Many people are interested in using thought power to manifest money, wealth, and prosperity in their lives. Unfortunately, they do not know that there is more out there to work with than just ‘The Law of Attraction’ or ‘The Secret’. In this book you will discover the difference between thought forms and servitors and how you can create your own very powerful thought forms to manifest the material things that you desire. You will learn: - How to create a wealth building servitor, and how you can participate in a group-created wealth servitor which I refer to as the “MOlamp Experiment”. - How thoughts create reality and how they create the objects and situations in all our lives. -...>>

“Vampire’s Way to Psychic Self-Defense” by John Kreiter

"Discover the best way to psychic self-defense: - Learn to overcome all your personal negative energy so that you can stop all negative thoughts. - Discover how you can overcome the negative intention of others, and become stronger as you do so. - Learn how to stop all those negative thought forms and entities that plague so many in our modern times. This book will not only show you how to overcome, but how to thrive as you vanquish all the evil and negativity in your life. What is evil? Negativity? Bad intent? How do you measure them, and more importantly how do you overcome them? For some it is easy to see things in a black and white paradigm. Others...>>