Magick Matters

“Get High without Drugs” by Harold Shore

"This book is a manual on how to achieve the kinds of states sought by recreational drug users, but without any use of drugs. People seek specific states of consciousness and drugs are just one means of getting into such states. Drugs do work and for many people drugs were the first way they became aware that such states of awareness exist. As a result, people assumed that drugs were the only way to access those ways of perceiving and feeling. And people thought those states were so valuable and felt so good that they wouldn't hesitate to put up with the expense, health risks and social and legal hassles associated with drugs to...>>

“The Golden Riches of Lucifuge Rofocale” by Carl Nagel

"Lucifuge Rofocale is the Infernal Prime Minister of Hell. He has the Power to give wealth to those who invoke Him. He commands the three Goetian Spirits Bael, Agares and Marbas. Lucifuge was once invoked through a complicated magical formula found in The Grand Grimoire, a 16th century manuscript of unknown authorship. Now Master Adept, Carl Nagel brings you a new, simplified way of conjuring perhaps the most powerful Money Spirit of all time! Discover how to make the powerful Talisman of Lucifuge Rofocale with which to obtain the Spirit’s obedience! Learn how to use the Protection Invocation of Prince Belzebub to keep unwanted spir-its away. And much more!"...>>

“McMindfulness: How Mindfulness Became the New Capitalist Spirituality” by Ronald Purser

"Mindfulness is now all the rage. From celebrity endorsements to monks, neuroscientists and meditation coaches rubbing shoulders with CEOs at the World Economic Forum in Davos, it is clear that mindfulness has gone mainstream. Some have called it a revolution. The evangelical promotion of mindfulness as a panacea for all that ails us has begun to give way to a backlash, with questions arising whether its claims for achieving happiness, wellbeing and career success have been over-sold. Expanding on his influential essay "Beyond McMindfulness", Ronald Purser debunks the so-called "mindfulness revolution", arguing its proponents have reduced mindfulness to a self-help technique that fits snugly into a consumerist culture complicit with Western materialistic values. In a lively...>>

“The Little Book of Curses and Maledictions for Everyday Use” by Dawn Rae Downton

"Learn how to place spells, incantations, hexes, and more. Here are 50 custom maledictions for situations you run into every day, and for people you know and wish you didn’t. Gas prices. Traffic. Your boss. Your former boss. Your coworkers. Your crush. Doctors. Customer service. Who can you call to get that monkey off your back? You can’t call anyone because they won’t return your calls. Isn’t it time to have a little ammo of your own? The Little Book of Curses and Maledictions puts the power back in your hands with its user-friendly, step-by-step instructions to: Generic Revenge Curses Custom Revenge Curses Warning Curses ...>>