Magick Matters

“The Divine Plan” by Ray del Sole

"This book unveils the Divine Plans for human evolution, for mankind and creation. It is time to remember our spiritual origins and to awake from the nightmares of materialism. It is time to restore the divine order. Indeed it is time for a new spiritual society and a new form of holistic education. A single candle can bring light into darkness. But when many candles get together then the light shines bright and darkness vanishes. So let´s gather the spiritual light, love and wisdom for a better future. Let us fulfill the Divine Plans!"...>>

“A Superior Technique for Spiritual Activation, Healing and Transformation” by Ray del Sole

"This book presents a superior technique for a variety of different spiritual purposes which is based on the knowledge of the chakra system and its analogies with the five elements on all three planes. You do not need extraordinary abilities to improve your spiritual progress, to clear and to heal yourself. With a minimum of time and effort in your daily practice you can make great progress in your spiritual development. Further more you will experience a deep balancing and vitalization in all aspects of your personality."...>>