Magick Matters

“Protection from Evil” by Ariel Bar Tzadok

"Evil is real! It is all around us! No one is immune from its influence - no one! But we can expose it. We can confront it. We can successfully fight the forces of evil and take back control of our lives. Protection From Evil is a book about human psychology and psychic phenomena. Protection From Evil is a book that explores the latent powers of the mind/soul and what we can do to unleash them. Harmful spiritual forces come in many shapes and sizes. Some might appear benign or even safe, but that does not make them so. We all know that appearances can be deceiving. Protection From Evil teaches about the other...>>

“The Missing Family of Jesus: An Inconvenient Truth – How the Church Erased Jesus’s Brothers and Sisters from History” by Tobias Churton

"The Holy Family of Jesus as commonly depicted in religious art is a myth fabricated by the early Christian church. Explaining this assertion, Tobias Churton leads the reader on a fascinating and highly readable quest to discover all that is to be found in the historical sources about Jesus' family background, parentage and siblings and the possibility of his having descendants. When Romanized Christianity decided to bend the historical facts about true early Christianity, Jesus was required to be the only son of God and to have been the product of a virgin birth, so that he could avoid the taint of original sin. Any inconvenient siblings had to be written out of history...>>

“The Mysteries of John the Baptist: His Legacy in Gnosticism, Paganism, and Freemasonry” by Tobias Churton

"Few Freemasons today understand why the most significant date in the Masonic calendar is June 24th--the Feast of the Birth of St. John the Baptist and the traditional date for appointing Grand Masters. Nor do many of them know that Masons used to be known as “St. John’s Men” or that John the Baptist was fundamental to the original Masonic philosophy of personal transformation. Starting with the mystery of John in Freemasonry, Tobias Churton searches out the historical Baptist through the gospels and ancient histories, unearthing the real story behind the figure lauded by Jesus’s words “no greater man was ever born of woman.” He investigates John’s links with the Essenes and the Gnostics, links...>>

“The Golden Builders: Alchemists, Rosicrucians, First Freemasons” by Tobias Churton

"In a breathtaking span of detailed research, Tobias Churton reveals, without resorting to mythology or pseudo-history, the most up-to-date knowledge on the development of Gnostic alchemy, the true origins of pre-Grand Lodge Freemasonry, and the mysterious Fraternity of the Rosy Cross (the Rosicrucians). Following the Hermetic spiritual and philosophical stream through 1,600 years of esoteric history, Churton introduces readers to great men of magic and wisdom--spiritual heroes and masters like Paracelsus, Caspar Schwenckfeld, Johann Valentin Andrae, and Elias Ashmole. The Golden Builders is an essential addition to any serious seekers' library. The Golden Builders is divided into three parts: Part 1 presents a broad survey of the Hermetic current and its transmissions from Hellenistic Alexandria to...>>

“Gnostic Mysteries of Sex: Sophia the Wild One and Erotic Christianity” by Tobias Churton

"Examining every surviving text written by heresiologists, accounts often ignored in favor of the famous Nag Hammadi Library, Tobias Churton reveals the most secret inner teaching passed down by initiated societies: the tradition of sexual gnosis--higher union with God through the sacrament of sex. Discovering actual sex practices hidden within the writings of the Church’s authorities, he reconstructs the lost world of Gnostic spiritual-erotic experience as taught by initiated masters and mistresses and practiced by Christian couples seeking spiritual freedom from the world. Churton explores the practices of the “first Gnostic,” the historical Simon Magus, and explains the vital significance of “the seed” in Gnostic practice, showing it to be the sacramental substance par excellence....>>