“Numerology and Astrology for Beginners: A Soul’s Journey through the Magical World of Numbers, Zodiac Signs, Horoscopes and Self-discovery” by Crystal Hathaway

"People fear numbers and astrology because it´s easier to blindly follow their fellows. Most of us live in a fake bubble of who we are and what we are doing on this planet.
Looking deeper into numbers and the position of celestial objects requires strength and willpower. From now on, you can take charge of your destiny.
Always remember, the universe has your back and you will receive the same energy back that you send out.
In Numerology and Astrology for Beginners, you’ll discover:
How the flap of a butterfly’s wings in Mexico cause a giant change in your life
The man's name that 666 stands for and if you should be worried (Find the answer on page 12)
Why you are missing out on an exciting adventure if you are not paying attention to this one number in your life (hint: between 0-10)
Why 911 is the universal help hotline if you want a change in life
Which numbers can help to heal physical and mental diseases
How to become pregnant at the right time to ensure your child has a healthy and prosperous future
The 12 zodiac signs, their meanings, and assets to achieve your goals
Cheat sheet for a stronger and more passionate relationship
Why some people feel like they are born in the wrong family and why they are right
How to choose your friends and partners wisely and prevent yourself from energy draining relationships
How and which numbers predicted the success of Apple, BMW, Microsoft and Co. (page 41)
And much more."

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