“Those Who Would Arouse Leviathan: Memoir of an awakening god” by Jack Heart

"Like nomads we walk the earth without a home, never to love, never to feel, and never to fear death because we know our souls are older than death itself. Empathy is a strange and alien emotion to us. If you can feel it for the few then you cannot feel it for the many, not as acutely as we do. We are Allogenes, strangers in a strange land, come here for a moment, one moment of truth. Miss it and we will have lived in vain. This is the story of how we missed ours. Metaphorically this is a story of how C. G. Jung and Al Capone went out clubbing and found Aleister Crowley tending bar with the Goddess on the dance floor. But do not be deceived this is the story of the human soul…"

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