“Ultrahuman” by Steve Madison

"The Ultrahuman is coming. The Ultrahuman is a member of a higher community. The Ultrahuman is our destiny. The Ultrahuman is the ordinary human’s designated replacement.
Everything is about to change. The greatest and final paradigm shift is coming. The Ultrahuman is the being associated with this final phase, when humanity starts to understand its own divinity.
The medieval eschatologist Joachim of Fiore spoke of three great Ages:
1) The Age of the Father (the Old Testament).
2) The Age of the Son (the New Testament).
3) The Age of the Holy Spirit (the Highest Testament).
In this final phase, the Noosphere will merge with the Omega Point.
The Ultrahuman is the being for the Third and Final Age.
Are you ready to fulfill your destiny? It’s time to take the next step. It’s time to become Ultrahuman."

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