“Mudras for Spiritual Healing: 21 Simple Hand Gestures for Ultimate Spiritual Healing & Awakening” by Advait

"Mudras for Spiritual Healing: 21 Simple Hand Gestures for Ultimate Spiritual Healing & Awakening" by Advait

"So often, patients have no idea why they have brought a certain illness into their lives and many a times, the root cause of their physical illnesses is Meta-Physical.

We come into this world with a pure, clear mind, totally connected with our inner wisdom. As we grow, we pick up fears and limitations from the adults around us. By the time we reach adulthood, we have a lot of negative beliefs that we are not even aware of. And, we tend to build our lives and our experiences upon these false beliefs and cultivate a kindred Spirit. The Solution for all of this…..Spiritual Healing.

This book offers you Ancient Vedic 'Mudra' Techniques of Spiritual Healing that will cure any meta-physical block and thus, Heal You."