“Hanns Heinz Ewers Volume II” by Hanns Heinz Ewers (The Collected Stories of Hanns Heinz Ewers Book 2)

"This is the second volume in a collection of short stories by Hanns Heinz Ewers and translated by Joe E. Bandel and includes: “The White Maiden”,”Eleven Thousand Virgins and the Four Holy Three KIngs”,”The Water Corpse”,”Carnival in Cadiz”,”How Eleven Chinese Devoured Their Bride”,”From the Journal of an Orange Tree”,”Of Geese, Spirits, Leeches and the Cat Organ”,”Fairyland”,”Alraune and her Chauffeur”,”The Last Will and Testament of Stanislawa d’Asp”,”Mamaloi”,”The Worst Betrayal”,”The Lost Monkey”, plus a short introduction by Joe E. Bandel."

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