"This book investigates the source of the famous split-fingered Vulcan salute in relation to ancient 'Shamanistic' practices of 'Inner Space' exploration. As for the term Occult, which is derived from the Latin Occultus, meaning mystery, life is a mystery betwixt and between the extremes of birth and death; it is this mystery that the Cabbalists explored, which led to an understanding that life is animated by an inner 'Fire.' This intuitive insight into the animating principle of life led to the now iconic hand sign of the Vulcan, which Leonard Nimoy, as Spock, introduced into Gene Roddenberry's creation of Star Trek. This inner Vulcan Fire is known of by numerous other cultures across the globe, whose ancient Shamans deeply explored its mystery, whom were aware that the inner Fire has a female source, which the Cabbalists call the Shekhinah. It is this female source of an inner Fire whom illuminates your dreams; the ancient Greek's experienced her as an inspiring Muse, a Buddhist to that of a Tantric would see her as a Dakini of a Genie, others may even call her a Succubus, Shamans to know her as an illuminating Spirit Wife. This book is fully illustrated."

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