“Naturalistic Occultism: An Introduction to Scientific Illuminism” by IAO131 (2nd ebook edition)

"Naturalistic Occultism: An Introduction to Scientific Illuminism" by IAO131 (2nd ebook edition)

"Naturalistic Occultism: An Introduction to Scientific Illuminism is an attempt to introduce the approach of Scientific Illuminism to occultism. It is in line with the motto of Scientific Illuminism, "The Method of Science, the Aim of Religion". Naturalistic Occultism approaches the theory and practice of occultism in a way that is scientific (using the scientific method and being up-to-date in current scientific knowledge), naturalistic (not supernatural), and pragmatic (whatever works is provisionally "true"). This book represents an honest attempt to separate the gold of the practice of magick from the dross of superstition and dogma.

The second edition of Naturalistic Occultism with over 5 new chapters, over 50 new pages, and a ton of new references/footnotes."