“The Presence of Spirits in Madness” by Wilson Van Dusen

"The Presence of Spirits in Madness" by Wilson Van Dusen

"The mind is what matters for it is the all in all of human personality. This most baffling and complex mechanism has long been the subject of speculation and scientific study. "Know thyself" is an ancient dictum attributed to Solon of Athens. And these very words were inscribed over the portico of the famed temple at Delphi. Certain it is that he who knows his mind knows himself.

We have still a great deal to learn about the processes that result in our conscious thoughts and emotions. When the mind seems to produce visions, voices, and hallucinations, we find ourselves groping for explanations.

Such symptoms commonly found in abnormal behaviour are given a new, provocative and profound analysis in this pamphlet by Dr. Wilson Van Dusen, psychologist. His conclusions, based on careful research, have radical implications for our self-understanding, and for the diagnosis and cure of many emotional disorders."