“The Diviner’s Handbook: Exploring Magik Divination Techniques” by David Thompson

"Discover the secrets of divination with David Thompson's The Diviner’s Handbook. Get ready to uncover the hidden power of tarot, astrology, runes, crystal balls, and pendulums to change your life. Reading this book will give you the power to:
– Make informed decisions and find clarity in your life with the help of tarot, astrology, runes, crystal balls, and pendulums
– Unlock the mysteries of the occult and uncover the hidden power of divination
– Understand how divination can help your magik practice.
– Communicate with spirits and unlock the secrets of the pendulum
This book contains:
– A deep dive into the fascinating history of divination around the world
– Brief instructions on how to use Tarot, Astrology, Runes, Crystal Balls, Pendulums and more
– Tips on how to use divination to inform your magik practice"

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