“A Geomantic Tarot Spread: Using the Power of Astrology and Geomancy To Enhance Your Tarot Divination” by Anthony Louis

"Geomancy ("earth divination" or "foresight by earth") interprets patterns on the ground, or tossed handfuls of soil, stones or sand to answer a querent's question. Geomancy was one of the most popular forms of divination during the Middle Ages and Renaissance, and it was often combined with astrology to enhance its divinatory power.
Geomancy makes use of sixteen figures, each consisting of four rows. The rows are made up of single or double markings, which represent yang or yin energy respectively. Rather than make marks on the ground, the author suggests using a tarot deck and a special four-card tarot spread to generate geomantic figures. The value of this technique is that it combines the divinatory power of three well-established oracular systems: astrology, geomancy and the tarot. In this book the reader will learn how to cast and interpret a four-card geomantic spread with a standard tarot deck. The readings given by this deceptively simple technique are often powerful and quite revealing."

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