“The Scole Experiment: Scientific Evidence for Life After Death” by Grant Solomon and Jane Solomon (2012 updated edition)

"The Scole Experiment is now widely regarded as the most important scientific investigation of evidence for life after death in history. Highly-qualified and objective scientists, and a whole range of other people who attended the Scole Group's sessions, came away convinced that (mostly) invisible, discarnate intelligences were making direct contact with those present. It is therefore understandable that the first edition of this book, which chronicled all the events that occurred during the five year experiment, created a great deal of discussion in the national and local media when it was published in the UK in the autumn of 1999. Numerous radio and television programmes ran the story. National newspapers devoted extensive column inches. The Times on Sunday put The Scole Experiment on the front page of its Sunday magazine and the Daily Mail serialised the book in its centre pages over a number of days. A fierce internet debate is raging still. If the evidence is accepted, the implication is simple: we humans do indeed survive the death event in some conscious form. The 2006 edition included an update on the fascinating progress of the continuing experiments involving the Scole mediums. This December 2012 edition includes a further update on the continuing experiments with links and references to the ongoing work of the Scole mediums, which will be recorded and reported in a forthcoming book."

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