“Project Rune” by Troy Wisehart

"To the extent that a wizard or witch understands the properties of a rune it is of value to them. The runes are the origin of all things, to know them is to know the root of things. The value in knowing origins and roots of things is that they are the causes of the effects that create the circumstances of our lives. If we are able to intentionally bring about a particular cause we can predict with a reasonable degree of certainty what its effect will be and what will be brought into being as a result. Whether this is a continuation of your runic journey or the beginning, the purpose of Project Rune is to provide the structure of a curriculum of study that will facilitate a deeper connection with the runes than you have ever had before. That being said, the results you achieve will depend entirely on the quality of the work you yourself do. The objective of this project is to provide a method of developing a personal relationship with the runes that will serve you throughout your life in everything that you do. The philosophy of runic thinking will change the way you view yourself, the world around you and how you endeavor to shape yourself and that world."

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