“Zhan Zhuang Power Secrets: Taoist Meditation. Standing & Sitting. Keys to the lost and hidden methods to make progress fast and efficient” by Steve Gray

"This book reveals the little known important basics of chi power cultivation and spiritual growth kept secret, lost, or hidden from newer practitioners of Taoist meditation, it is simple, direct, and powerful. Steve learned from some old school masters who escaped China before the great culling of the spiritual masters. They had a different attitude than their modern counterparts do. They shared because they loved their art and wanted to create masters who really knew the Way.
Large amounts of superfluous information have been published, which are essentially detours not needed to make it a fast and effective practice for cultivating chi power and spiritual growth. This book reveals the facts needed to avoid the detours and go straight to the mountain top!
Steve has over thirty years practice in a shamanic, hard core, fast, and secret 4000 year old system of true Nei Kung. He was an inner door student, for eight years, of a secretive Neigong master and Taoist wizard who lived in Seattle, Washington, who was also Bruce Lee’s uncle and main kung fu teacher, making Bruce and Steve kung fu brothers."

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