“Oracle: The I Ching for Everyday Use” by Peter Muller

"I don’t want to merely offer you a book. Rather, I want to present you a special companion", writes Péter Müller, the renowned Hungarian author whose spiritual books have helped shape the lives of hundreds of thousands of dedicated readers in Hungary.
The Oracle has become a Bible of sorts for millions of people, and one of the greatest bestsellers in the book market for many years. According to experts, this writing remains one of the most meaningful examples of the modern I Ching literature.
The author studied the Chinese I Ching for twenty years. This is the only book in the world with which you can converse: you can ask questions of it, and it will reply to you as a living sage. According to ancient I Ching tradition, invisible Holy Spirits stand behind the book and help those turning to them with problems of their fate.
Peter Müller himself has a constant relationship with such a spiritual guide who helped him write this book and translate the old symbols to our contemporary, everyday life.
The I Ching has been an advisor in the East for thousands of years. Its popularity increased in the West due to the influence of C.G. Jung who used the text for fate analysis and therapy. There is hardly a bookshelf in the country that does not include this vital work, and more and more people are turning to it for advice. This book does not predict the future, but it divines. It tells us how we can shape our own fate and helps us deal with all problems, big and small, which occur in our lives. It helps us to simply live."

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