“The Catalyst of Power: The Assemblage Point Of Man” by Jon Whale (fully revised 3rd edition 2009)

"Now in its 3rd, fully revised edition, this book marks a new beginning and stands out in sharp contrast to all the alternative or complimentary works on health written over the last century, because of its sound basis in both modern science and traditional learning. Some of the unique and original topics this book discusses are: experience your own Assemblage Point, a crucial energy vortex of our Energy Body; discover how the position of the Assemblage Point controls how we feel and behave; learn how to shift and relocate the Assemblage Point to improve mental and physical performance and accelerate personal growth, relieve stress, anger, anxiety, panic, depression and improve biological energy; discover how shock, stress, illness, trauma, intimidation and violence all shift the Assemblage Point to detrimental locations and cause illness; learn the different Assemblage Point Locations associated with various physical and psychological diseases and how the endocrine system is effected; and, find out how alcohol, medical drugs and illegal drugs can shift Man's Assemblage Point to dangerous locations. It also discusses the topics — discover how to correct the Assemblage Point Location to assist and minimize the effects of drugs and alcohol and their dependency; find out how to eliminate pain, treat injuries and damaged nerves, improve muscular and skeletal problems, counteract infections and allergies, treat skin problems, relieve exhaustion and nervous disorders without chemical medication, injections, surgery; and, discover the extraordinary healing powers of Electronic Gem Lamp Therapy."

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