“Psychic Energy: How to Change Desires into Realities” by Joseph J. Weed

"This is a valuable book, a precious book which you will want to keep near you and read again and again. It lifts the veil of mystery and superstition that has for too long shrouded the puzzling phenomena so often seen today. In truth, there are no deviations from natural law. Everything that happens, no matter how exotic it may seem, can be explained and understood. Many of these so-called "wild talents" are described hereit and their functions analyzed in simple, non-technical language.
Habitually, we all athink in therms of the visible, the material. Yet man is not an animal, and he cannot live like one and be happy. On the other hand, neither is he a god—and any attempt to deify his higher nature at the expense of his human heritage is equally doomed to fail. A balance is necessary, and the suggestions given herein will guide you to the attainment of proper harmonium.
In this book you will find information that will surprise and often amaze you."

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