“How to Read Your Astrological Chart: Aspects of the Cosmic Puzzle” by Donna Cunningham

"How long have you been studying astrology? If you've been practicing for a year and don't feel comfortable reading an actual horoscope, then this is the book you need to read! You'll learn to "reason astrologically" and discover how to put the planets and the aspects together. You'll learn how to figure out the meaning of Venus aspects, or your fixed T-square, or that upcoming Mars transit to your Moon. Rather than encouraging you to learn by rote, Donna Cunningham gives you a structured approach so you can let the astrological symbolism flow through you and out to your client.
Cunningham teaches a minimalist style of reading a chart as the best way to start. You'll discover which technique you want to use, and how to let go of the many techniques you may want to play with later. This "unclutters" the chart so you can begin to really see what's there. You'll learn what you need to know to be able to talk for that first hour with your friend. Remember, there is a lot that can be said about a horoscope—so much material is hidden in the cirlce that you could spend hours and weeks discovering it all. While this may be a lifelong interest for you, you need to talk sensibly without overwhelming friends, and after you've read this book, you'll be able to do just that!"

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