“Shadow Soul: Exploring the Secrets of the Ancient Art of Seidr and Remote Viewing” by Simon Tomlin

"Exploring the secrets of the ancient art of Seiðr and remote viewing practised by shamans since the dawn of prehistory. Seiðr remains a great mystery and the author explains how to train for the art and practise it based on his 30 years of experience in the esoteric field. The book takes the apprentice through the precise details of the dedication and techniques required to become a remote viewer and Seiðr practitioner. His experience gives him the ability to teach a new method of using the Runes for divination using only Extra Sensory Perception (ESP) and leads the initiate into the deep mysteries of the shadow soul. The first book to fully explain how Seiðr works and how men and women can use it to empower their lives in the modern age."

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