“The Grove of Dana: Bardic Course Handbook” by Jason Kirkey

"The content of this course is introductory in nature, though I also hope that it provides new and fresh perspectives and material for those who have been studying Druidism for a longer period of time. The first question addressed in this course is the most basic one we are all compelled to ask, “what is a druid and why is it relevant today?” From there the course begins to take a look at the cosmology of Druidism (particularly from an Irish perspective) with the intention of illuminating what it might mean to practice this spirituality. There are very few readings and assignments here that are purely based in the intellect. Most require to some extent an experiential participation with the material. We will also stop several times along the way to look at different myths and stories from Irish mythology as a means of grounding the readings and practices in the heritage and culture from which they come. These provide a valuable context for the material, and in many cases explain why certain cosmological features of the Druidic terrain are the way they are."

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