“Psychic Mindfulness: The Mindful Masters Guide to Developing Your Psychic Abilities, Tarot Archetypes, Altered States, and Life Meta-Themes” by Al J. Simon

"The Mindful Masters guide to developing your psychic abilities, tarot archetypes, altered states, and life meta-themes.
Mindfulness and psychic abilities make an odd couple. Mindfulness is eminently down to earth. It's about being able to relate to the world as it is. Psychic practices are just the opposite. They are "ethereal" and "other-worldly." Can we reconcile the grounding of mindfulness with the ethereal nature of psychic abilities?
In Psychic Mindfulness, you'll discover how to develop and use the mystical and supernatural to develop a higher level of mindfulness.
Along the way, you'll also discover:
* How peak experiences and altered states of consciousness can both help and hinder you in awakening your Expanded Conscious Self.
* The "occult" teachings of mindfulness revealed by ancient yoga texts and modern NASA astronauts.
* Does "mindful time travel" exist? How you can use archetypes to go back in time and change your past.
* How a 15th century "fortune telling" aid can be used not to forecast your future, but to create it.
* Twelve "psychic opening" and "non-directed reception" exercises that open communication pathways to your Intuitive Selves.
* The three types of psychic messages you'll receive, along with actual examples of messages received by seekers just like you.
* The "secret teaching" for getting your True Self to respond to you.
* How to get your True Self to reveal your life's "meta-theme" to bring meaning to your life.
* How to use synchronicity, premonitions, psychic insights, ancient archetypes, altered states, tarot cards, and other mystical practices to create a happier, more rewarding, more fulfilling life."

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