“Naked in the Woods: A Guide to Spiritual Nudity” by Storm Moon

"This book will be of interest to anyone who wants to experience a deep and life-changing communion with mother earth, and the freedom and joy of knowing and accepting our true selves. It promotes our right to be free as we truly are, and encourages respect and love for our beautiful bodies. This book is a journey that begins with the symbolism of clothes and the joy of being naked in nature, and progresses through honoring our bodies to awakening our subtle energy awareness, bringing us in to communion with the spirit of nature. Part one deals with sacred nudity from a personal perspective. Part two looks at the body as a temple and why we should treasure the human form. In part three we learn how to connect deeply with Gaia, mother earth herself. Elemental magic is the subject of part four, including a look at how we are controlled. Part five looks at sensual journeying, a form of guided meditation, and part six introduces at group rites and rituals. The final part looks at the tribal revival and the new era of peace."

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