“Dictionary of the Tarot” by Bill Butler (1977 edition)

"The introduction states: "This book attempts to look at the symbolism of the cards themselves and at the commentaries on the Tarot of a number of writers." This is exactly what it does by taking each card of the Tarot one by one, comparing the various decks currently available and in use and the readings given by standard authorities. Included also are: a short history, a glossary of terms and symbols relating to the Tarot, methods of divination, and a bibliography. The basic decks described are: Marseille, Waite, Crowley, B.O.T.A., Aquarian, and New. The interpretations consulted are: Case, Christian, Crowley, Douglas, Gray, G. Dawn, Grimaund, Huson, Kahn, Kaplan, Knight, Lind, Mathers, Mayananda, Papus, Sadhu, Thierens, Ussher, and Waite, among others. A very handy reference book."

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