“Salvia Divinorum Growers Guide: How to Grow Salvia Divinorum” by Sociedad para la Preservation de las Plantas del Misterio

"Salvia divinorum is a rare entheogenic (psychedelic) plant used in shamanism. This is the underground classic and complete guide to growing the plant Salvia Divinorum. This book details a nearly fail-proof propagation and cultivation technique that anyone can use to grow his or her own Salvia divinorum plants.
Topics Covered Include:
-> Optimum soil formulas for growing Salvia divinorum;
-> Water and misting techniques that help Salvia divinorum plants grow and thrive;
-> Fertilizer and nutrients for top health and maximum growth of Salvia divinorum plants;
-> Common pests that feed on or attack Salvia divinorum plants, and what to do about them;
-> Best pruning techniques for maximizing leaf growth;
-> Troubleshooting: how to identify and respond to problems frequently encountered when growing Salvia divinorum;
and much more…"

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