“Manifest Wealth and Prosperity with Thought Forms and Servitors” by John Kreiter

"Many people are interested in using thought power to manifest money, wealth, and prosperity in their lives. Unfortunately, they do not know that there is more out there to work with than just ‘The Law of Attraction’ or ‘The Secret’. In this book you will discover the difference between thought forms and servitors and how you can create your own very powerful thought forms to manifest the material things that you desire. You will learn: - How to create a wealth building servitor, and how you can participate in a group-created wealth servitor which I refer to as the “MOlamp Experiment”. - How thoughts create reality and how they create the objects and situations in all our lives. -...>>

“Vampire’s Way to Psychic Self-Defense” by John Kreiter

"Discover the best way to psychic self-defense: - Learn to overcome all your personal negative energy so that you can stop all negative thoughts. - Discover how you can overcome the negative intention of others, and become stronger as you do so. - Learn how to stop all those negative thought forms and entities that plague so many in our modern times. This book will not only show you how to overcome, but how to thrive as you vanquish all the evil and negativity in your life. What is evil? Negativity? Bad intent? How do you measure them, and more importantly how do you overcome them? For some it is easy to see things in a black and white paradigm. Others...>>

“Create a Servitor: Harness the Power of Thought Forms” by John Kreiter

"What if you could create a powerful psychic entity to do your bidding? Learn what thought forms and servitors are and how you can create one to: - protect yourself and your loved ones - heal others - help you get the material things you desire - help you find love - companionship As a result of my rather interesting childhood, I have spent most of my life trying to discover the truth behind the paranormal, the occult, and the power of the mind to manifest reality. This manuscript is written in order to help you understand a topic that I think can change your life forever. It is also written as a challenge! If you are on the fence about...>>

“The Occult Experience” by John Kreiter

"This book is based on the theory that our cognitive process is the result of routine. Moreover it makes the proposition that this cognitive routine is not an inherent human condition but that it is a process that we are all indoctrinated into starting from the moment of our birth. While this cognitive routine has many advantages, like allowing humanity to communicate and work together on a massive scale, it also greatly limits our perceptive abilities. As such, the book challenges the reader to either prove or disprove this theory of cognitive routine by introducing a number of techniques that can help to disrupt this routine and therefore change a person’s perceptive patterns. If you are interested...>>